I am so hard on myself! I have such a full, blessed, wonderful life and yet I'm the last person to appreciate it. Before long runs (or even short runs) or races I'm often talking negatively to myself saying "I'm not going to get a PR" or "I'm so not in my best shape" when the reality is it's huge that I'm even racing and training and putting myself out there! I've had a crazy year! Like insane. I traveled 30 out of 52 weekends this year (and the ones I wasn't travelling for included my bridal shower, my wedding, and working 3 and 4 jobs all weekend), got married, changed full-time jobs 3 times, visited friends and family (most of whom live out of state!), was in two weddings (which included 3 weekends of travel for bachelorette and showers), started a new job, began married life (aka two HUGE adjustments) and hosted Christmas for over a dozen people. I ran an ultra marathon, a marathon (and PR'ed by 10 minutes), ran a half marathon (on very little training) and a couple 5k's and 10k's.
I have had 40-mile weeks and I've had 5-mile weeks and everything in between. My coworkers and friends think I'm crazy for running when I've had 4 or 5 hours of sleep and have "a free 20 minutes" but the reality is i LOVE it! It is my me-time, my God-time, my outdoor time. I need to get back to the basics of why I run and stop getting angry with myself for not running as hard and as much and as fast as when I was in college (when I was a collegiate runner and it was my JOB to be an athlete and before i had hips! Or cellulite haha)
Anyway I think for the New Year I really just want to give myself a break and remember why I started running and why I love it! My resolution is to talk to myself positively and not get discouraged with myself when i can "only" fit in 2 miles or 3 miles or "only" lift 2 times a week. I have no goals for running other than making sure my life has lots of balance!
Finally put up my Christmas present from my mom! Can't wait to fill it and change those PR's this year! :D
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