Training run distance
5 mi or less
6-10 mi
11-19 mi
Avg miles per week
Marathon Time
Marathon # 1
May 2014
Number at distance
(7, 9, 8, 6.2, 6.2, 6, 8.25, 10, 7.75, 8.82, 7.05)
(11.5, 15, 12, 11.3)
18.86 mpw
4:48 (11:00/mi)
Marathon # 2
Nov 2014
Number at distance
*junk miles*
(10, 6, 7, 7, 8.1, 7.25, 6.2, 9.16, 8, 8.85, 8, 7, 6, 6)
(17, 12.5, 16, 13)
22.57 mpw
4:43 (10:50/mi)
Marathon # 3
May 2015
Number at distance
(8, 6, 10.06, 7, 6.2, 6.2, 6.2, 8.02, 6.2, 6.2, 6, 6, 6.2, 8.5, 9,
8.25, 7.35, 8.5)
(10, 13.2, 13.1)
24.26 mpw
4:34 (10:23/mi)
As you can see from the above chart, I trained for all 3 marathons very differently! Marathon #1 I really didn't know what I was in for (clearly). Marathon #2 I ran more mileage wise, but I didn't run smart. Marathon #3 I was also prepping for an ultra, which is what that 21.5 miler ended up being. Clearly if I actually "trained" for a marathon (hit 35-40 mpw consistently and actually did higher mileage in training) my body would get used to running a ton of miles and I would just be fitter (duh!) and probably be able to lose a few of these pounds (that I'm not complaining about but rather that are just plain slowing me down!) and clearly I would keep dropping my time!
I'm not saying I'll be able to qualify for Boston, like, ever... but I may be able to break 4 hours which would be a huge accomplishment for me!
I'm not actively pursuing a marathon and I'm not even sure that I am cut out for it at all. Everyone's body is different and I think I'm better suited for a 10k or half marathon and on top of that, I'm not sure I'm willing to devote all the time to training that I need to but it's interesting to see it all layed out like this and see how much improvement I made just by tweaking a few things. Marathon #2 was on a very flat trail in November--ideal running conditions! If it wasn't so boring/so little crowd involvement and I wasn't so mentally drained because of that I could've done really well! I upped my long runs (still should've done an 18 or 20 miler) but still had a TON of junk mile runs. I could've done half as many and put that time into a long run instead.
I guess there's more to running than anyone realizes! It's all about training and racing smart and fueling your body well, as well as putting in quality workouts. I'd love to work on my nutrition for this half marathon training cycle and when it comes time that I decide to do another marathon, I'll be in a better place mentally and physically because of those changes!
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