Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 3 Pittsburgh Half Training!

I am feeling it today! Too much ramping up of the mileage in the past few days. This week was a lot with being on-call for work so i didn't really have a chance to be anything but a weekend warrior!

Monday: Had another chiro appt and he told me to "take it easy" which I took literally and didn't get off the couch all evening. I watched a lot of "Fixer Upper" though and now have a ton of ideas for when I buy my own fixer-upper :-P

Tuesday: Ran 3 miles in the gym at camp and then did 25 minutes of lower body weights and supersets.

Wed/Thur: OFF

Friday: 20 minute upper body lift in the AM.. PM 2.4 mi trail run... (23:00. Hard on the slushy trail.) Ended up staying later at work than I wanted to (when will i just force myself to become a morning runner??) so I only had time for this before going home and making dinner. I did make us a really healthy dinner though and same with all my meals this weekend. I am trying to make Brad's life better but you would swear I'm hurting him making him eat all these veggies!

Saturday: Managed 8.55 mi (1:22:19) which is the longest I've run in awhile! My hip flexors were acting up a bit afterwards but I did some yoga and stretching to allow me to get a run in on Sunday, too.

Sunday: 4.55 mi in 42:54, rounding out the weekend to a 13.1 in 2:04:13. I'm still pretty sore today! This is what I want to avoid by increasing mileage so these weekend runs don't knock me out for the rest of the week.

This week coming up I'm hoping to increase my mileage by about 20% to get where I need to be. I really need to lose 10ish pounds for me to be back to where I was with speed and hopefully crush this half. I can do this by adding mileage (obviously) because I can't see how I can possibly make my diet any better (unless I just add more protein and POSSIBLY cut out wine.. but that's a last resort).  We are heading to Rochester for a very quick trip this weekend to see Bruce Springsteen and to celebrate 3 years of being together! Hoping I can fit in a good run on Sunday even though we will be travelling that day.

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